Q&A on Inclusive Bathrooms
Everyone has the right to access a washroom that is safe and free from harassment. As access and inclusion evolve along with changing social values, there is a shift towards washrooms and change rooms that are more inclusive for a wide range of users.
Most schools’ facilities were built during an era that separated men and women, and creating all genders washrooms may not be a quick fix – but a variety of options are happening now in small and large communities.
What are some best practices when considering a new build or major renovation?
What is the best universal washroom sign?
How do we respond to concerns about safety?
What can we do with little to no construction budget?
If we can do one thing now to make a big impact, what should it be?
Remember: what’s good for the most marginalized students is often good for all. SOGI-inclusive facilities tend towards being more inclusive and safer for all students.
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Our SOGI 123 Leads for Alberta and Saskatchewan came together to host the first ever Prairie SOGI Educator Summit.
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